Please answer all the questions below.
Questions with an asterisk (*) are required.
In the past year, have you done any of the following? Select all that apply.
Attended National or local March for Life
Sidewalk Counseling/Witnessing
Attended your campus' Students for Life group meeting
Did pro-life outreach
Saw a pro-life movie in theaters (Gosnell or Unplanned)
Attended pro-life conference/workshop/speaking event (SFLA or otherwise)
Called legislators or attended a lobby day for a life-related bil
Do you support defunding Planned Parenthood?
I'm not sure
How would you like to get involved in Students for Life?
Starting a group on campus
Learning more about the issues
Donating time or money to support pro-life groups
What level of school will you be attending in Fall 2019?
Middle School
High School
Graduate School
Med School
Law School
Not a Student
School Name
First Name
Last Name
Mobile Phone
(If you'd like to receive text messages from us)