Dear Students for Life of America Supporter,
Can you help me with a special surprise?
As you may have heard, today is Kristan Hawkins’ birthday!
As President of Students for Life of America, Kristan works hard day-in and day-out to serve mothers, train new pro-life leaders, expose the TRUTH about Planned Parenthood, and get closer to our goal of abolishing abortion.
She works so hard for us, so I’m hoping you could help me wish her a “Happy Birthday” by clicking here to sign the online birthday card our team at Students for Life put together for her.
I’ll be compiling all the signed e-cards first thing tomorrow morning to deliver to Kristan.
I know it would mean the world to Kristan to see your signature on her birthday card.
I’ve even included a box where you can write a personal note to her if you’d like.
I hope you’ll join me in flooding Kristan’s inbox with birthday wishes and prayers!
After you sign
Kristan’s birthday card, will you
prayerfully consider signing up as a Students for Life Guardian with a monthly recurring gift of $10 or more?
Kristan would love hearing that you signed up!
Ever since learning from a leaked draft that the Supreme Court is apparently poised to strike down
Roe v. Wade, the radical Abortion Lobby has become more emboldened than ever.
They will stop at nothing to intimidate pro-lifers and the five Justices who have at least initially signed on to reverse
Whether that’s vandalizing a pregnancy center that helps pregnant young women in need, attacking churches, or protesting outside the home of one of the Justices who have sided with reversing Roe, these radicals will stop at nothing to intimidate us into silence.
That’s why we have to fight back harder than ever.
You’re support as a
Guardian Monthly Contributor will Students for Life quickly respond to these radical attacks and keep all of our life-saving programs running by:
1) Guaranteeing a steady flow of resources Kristan can count on every month, which can be critical to the ability to grow SFLA’s new programs. Anyone who’s ever run a business, major project, or even set a home budget knows it’s nearly impossible to effectively plan ahead without an accurate projection of future resources;
2) Ensuring Students for Life is able to quickly respond to Planned Parenthood’s attacks. Planned Parenthood is more determined than ever to gain a foothold on America’s college and high school campuses. With a steady flow of resources from Guardian monthly contributors, Students for Life will always be prepared to fight back;
3) Identifying and training the next generation of pro-life leaders. You can’t manage a big army without competent leaders. The national grassroots army that Students for Life is building requires constant training for young people who are willing to dedicate their lives to abolishing abortion. Guardian monthly contributors play a major role in funding our trainings.
Guardian monthly contributors are a crucial part of what keeps Students for Life’s programs running so we can EXPOSE the truth about abortion.
And once young people
see the TRUTH about abortion, their hearts are instantly changed.
With your ongoing support as a Guardian monthly contributor, Students for Life will continue to change hearts and minds by showing high school and college students what abortion really is and expose Planned Parenthood’s LIES.
So, will you please click here to sign Kristan’s birthday card and then take the extra step by becoming a Guardian Monthly Contributor with a contribution of $10 or more?
It would mean the world to Kristan and all Students for Life staff!
For Life,

Tina Whittington,
Executive Vice President
Students for Life
After you’ve signed the birthday card, please consider becoming a Students for Life Monthly Contributor with a gift of $10 or more as a way to say “THANKS!” to Kristan for her 21 years of service to the pro-life movement.
Kristan Hawkins’ Birthday is TODAY!
We’re asking EACH and EVERY Students for Life supporter to help make Kristan’s day and add their name to her birthday card.
Sign the card below >>