Back-to-School Good Luck Card!

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Good Luck Pro-Life Students!

The 2024-2025 school year is officially here, which means new opportunities to change hearts and minds on campus by speaking the TRUTH about abortion!

But according to a recent study by the University of Chicago, Democrat support for political violence to restore abortion as the law of the land has DOUBLED since January!

Whether it’s threats, intimidation, vandalism, censorship, or straight-up violence, our students will, no doubt, encounter these tactics of the Abortion Lobby this school year.

That’s why your signed card would mean a lot to them during these moments – our students will need all the encouragement they can get so they can stand strong.

So, please sign your Back to School Card to our pro-life student leaders!

  • Sign the Students for Life's Back-to-School Good Luck Card!

Dear Pro-Life Leader,

You have been harassed, assaulted, and been called every name in the book by pro-abortion radicals while being on the front lines every day changing hearts and minds.

As the school year begins, I want you and every other pro-life activist out there to know that we are united, and that we have their backs no matter what pro-abortion radicals throw at us this year.

The Abortion Lobby knows that if they can silence our work, there will be NO ONE left to challenge the stranglehold they currently have on America’s young people.

We need strong, fearless leaders to fight for the preborn and turn America’s young people against abortion now more than ever, so I urge you to please continue to be strong in the face of the Abortion Lobby, and know the entire Pro-Life Movement supports you!

Keep speaking the TRUTH about abortion on your campus!


The Pro-Life Movement