Hey Students for Life of America Supporter,
Can you do me a quick favor?
As you know, students across the nation are wrapping up the school year during one of the most important years for the pro-life movement in decades.
Many of our best pro-life leaders are graduating high school and college and moving onto the next level. I’m proud to say many will become leaders in our alumni organization, Pro-Life Future, or even work as Students for Life staff.
These young women and men have endured so much over the past year beyond the classroom.
Tomorrow, I want to send our pro-life graduates a card to say CONGRATULATIONS on graduating and thanking them for their efforts changing the minds of their peers over the past year.
Will you please click here to sign Students for Life’s Pro-Life Graduation Card?
As you’ll see, I’ve also included a text box where you can write a personal note to these young women and men who are going off to college or just starting their careers.
I know it would mean the world to these students to hear an encouraging word from pro-lifers like you.
As you know, high school and college students are Planned Parenthood’s most coveted demographic.
In fact, nearly 80% of abortion facilities are located within walking distance of a college campus.
These college campuses are ground zero for pro-abortion radicals spewing their propaganda.
Just consider some of the radicalism our students have faced, including:
>>> At Winona State University in Minnesota, where our pro-life leader, Jamie, was bullied and harassed by pro-abortion protesters. One of the heckling students was even caught on audio saying, “When you get raped and get rid of your child, I’m going to laugh, b—-!”
>>> At the public University of Northern Iowa, UNI Students for Life was labeled a “hate group” by student government and denied its application to form.
>>> At the University of Michigan, the University of Houston, Miami University (Ohio) and dozens of other schools where our Cemetery of Innocents displays were destroyed. This display commemorates the 972 lives lost each day at the hands of Planned Parenthood abortionists and shows the unavoidable truth and real-life impact of abortion.
I’m afraid students graduating high school and moving onto college are heading into the lion’s den.
But it’s not just college campuses.
In fact, in the weeks following the unprecedented leak of the U.S. Supreme Court’s draft decision reversing
Roe v. Wade, Students for Life mobilized in support of the Court’s preliminary decision in cities across the nation.
That’s when a pro-abortion Black Lives Matter spokesperson
assaulted – on camera – Students for Life’s Indiana Regional Coordinator, Mary Carmen.
Planned Parenthood and their pals in the Biden administration and universities are pulling out all of the stops to silence courageous pro-life students.
And I haven’t even mentioned the atmosphere in corporate America today. Anyone who so much as hints at having pro-life views is smeared, fired, and blackballed.
So, I’m afraid the young women and men who are entering the “real world” for the first time after graduation are in for a fight, too.
That’s why I wanted to show these young women and men that the pro-life movement has their back.
Will you please click here to add your name to Students for Life’s Graduation Card?
And if you have a moment, please also write a short personal note I can share with these graduates.
I’m sure hearing from you will help encourage them to continue to speak for Life every day.
For Life,

Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life of America
P.S.- With the Abortion Lobby promising a “Summer of Rage,” I’ve made the decision to increase security protocols for my students and staff for the foreseeable future.
But ensuring all of our courageous pro-lifers are safe takes resources – resources I need to be able to depend on.
That’s why I after you sign Students for Life’s Pro-Life Graduation Card, I hope you’ll consider signing up as a Students for Life Guardian monthly contributor to help me boost security and keep our young pro-lifers safe as they take on the pro-abortion mob.