Thousands of young women who are pregnant and don’t know where to turn for help find themselves in Planned Parenthood’s crosshairs every day.

With 79% of Planned Parenthood facilities located within five miles of a college campus – and pro-abortion professors echoing their talking points – young women who are pregnant, scared, and feel alone are being preyed on every day.

Knowing that you have their backs could make all the difference to save preborn babies’ lives.

Please help me prove to these young women they’re not alone by signing your “I’ve Got Your Back” Statement of Support immediately!

    Statement of Support

    Dear Future Mother,

    I know it may seem like you're alone and no one is on your side.

    But please know that I have your back – as well as thousands of other pro-lifers – as you face pressure from Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion allies.

    I'm praying for you to have the strength to choose life.


Copyright © 2016 Students for Life of America