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As you may know, Students for Life of America (SFLA) is a 100% grassroots-funded organization.
We rely on the generosity of pro-lifers like you to continue and expand our critical work, including:
>>> Countering Planned Parenthood’s propaganda & exposing the TRUTH about abortion on campuses.
SFLA changes the minds of about 15% of students we reach on campus each day.
>>> Training & equipping the next generation of pro-life leaders.
Over the last 18 years since Students for Life’s founding, we’ve trained over 200,000 young, pro-life leaders. Last school year, we held 1,100 student trainings and hosted 3,000+ mentorship meetings.
>>> Serving mothers & saving preborn babies from abortion.
Last school year, our team was been honored to save at least 50 babies on campuses (that we know of). Not only that, but our Standing With You Initiative recently delivered over 80,000 diapers to pro-life pregnancy resource centers to help moms in need.

But, there is so much at stake in 2024.
Pro-abortion radicals are more extreme – and more emboldened – than ever before.
Will you please prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible contribution of $250, $100, or $50 to help us continue our mind-changing and life-saving work?
Even if you can only chip in $10 or $25 today, your support will make a HUGE impact!

Students for Life of America, as a Section 501(c)(3) charity under the Internal Revenue Code, your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.