Students for Life of America

Petition to: The Presidents of Christian colleges with ties to Planned Parenthood or promote abortion

Whereas: Planned Parenthood has infiltrated many Christian colleges and universities; and

Whereas: At least 12 Christian colleges continue to maintain friendly relationships with the Abortion Goliath, with some offering Planned Parenthood as a sexual health resource; and

Whereas: Planned Parenthood’s goal is to ensure Christian, college-age young adults do not bat an eyelash at (or worse, encourage) abortions; and

Whereas: If Planned Parenthood succeeds in co-opting Christians, abortions will never be abolished in the United States.

Therefore: I urge you to kick Planned Parenthood off Christian campuses!


Christian Schools with Ties to Planned Parenthood

Augsburg University (MN)
Duke University (NC)
Elizabethtown College (PA)
Emory University (GA)
Ohio Wesleyan University (OH)
Macalester College (MN)
Moravian College (PA)
Muhlenberg College (PA)
Rhodes College (TN)
Hamline University (MN)
St. Olaf College (MN)
Notre Dame (IN)