Kick PP Out Webinar

Is Planned Parenthood in your child’s school?

Is Planned Parenthood in your school?


Join us for our Opt Out Webinar: How to Protect Your Child From Planned Parenthood’s Dangerous Sex Ed

Thursday, January 16th, 9-10pm EST / 6-7pm PST


  • Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life of America
  • Katie Lodjic, Students for Life of America
  • Monica Cline, It Takes a Family and former Planned Parenthood sexual health educator
  • Jorge Ramos, Pacific Justice Institute

What we will cover

  • What Planned Parenthood is teaching students
  • How to find out if Planned Parenthood is in your school
  • State sex ed mandates
  • How to kick Planned Parenthood out and keep them out
  • How to opt your child out of Planned Parenthood sex ed


Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion vendor AND the nation’s largest supplier of sex ed programs. It’s no coincidence. The content in their curriculum is NOT age appropriate. They teach explicit material and promote abortion and birth control to students, with the hope that these students return to Planned Parenthood later for an abortion. Getting Planned Parenthood sex education out of schools is imperative to saving lives in our nation.

With your help we can kick out and keep out Planned Parenthood!

  • Reserve Your Spot Below:

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Questions? Contact [email protected].