Update From VCU Students for Life Leader, Autumn:

Petition to: Michael Rao, President of VCU, and the entire VCU Board of Visitors

On March 30, 2023, a mob of pro-abortion radicals viciously assaulted – verbally and physically – Students for Life staff and pro-life students from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).


Despite Students for Life giving local law enforcement, VCU security, and school administrators prior notice of the event and voicing their concerns about the possibility of violence, VCU security and staff not only chose not to be proactive in stopping the violence, but they ignored pleas for help from Students for Life staff and VCU students as the event unfolded.


According to the VCU Board of Visitors website (https://bov.vcu.edu), you are “committed to making VCU a place where inclusion powers innovation so that all students succeed.” It is clear that this commitment to inclusion only applies to those who do NOT believe in defending the life of innocent preborn boys and girls.

“MAKE THEM PAY!” Petition

  • eSign Your Name Here:

Therefore we, the undersigned, insist you prove your commitment to inclusion by doing the following:

1 – Invite Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life, back to VCU to speak and ensure her protection and the protection of her staff and all students who attend the event;

2 – Pay for the security costs that Students for Life will undoubtedly incur following this situation (already one school I’m scheduled to speak at in April has contacted me since this story went viral demanding that SFLA pay for bomb-sniffing dogs!) ;

3 – Pay for the medical costs that will be incurred by the Students for Life group member that suffered injuries from the violent protestors;

4 – Incorporate First Amendment training for the campus security who failed to respond for our request for help, along with a restated commitment of First Amendment principles; and

5 – Pay for the audiovisual equipment and signs that was damaged and stolen by the Antifa mob.