Students for Life’s campus groups will be placing 1,076 bright pink crosses – one representing each precious boy or girl aborted by Planned Parenthood every day – right smack in the middle of college campuses as a Cemetery of Innocents.
But with tensions boiling over on college campuses after the results of the 2024 elections, I’m afraid pro-abortion college administrators will try to block us!
That’s why it’s critical you sign your NON-INTERFERENCE NOTICE insisting that college administrators in your state DO NOT attempt to CANCEL or CENSOR our Cemetery of Innocents display!
Whereas: | Under the First Amendment, all Americans – even pro-lifers – have the freedom to speak freely and peaceably assemble; and |
Whereas: | As a taxpayer-funded institution, you have a duty to protect these First Amendment freedoms on campus – or else face embarrassment, lawsuits, and even the potential loss of taxpayer funding; and |
Whereas: | It’s critical that your institution does not interfere with robust issue-based debates on your campus; and |
Whereas: | I insist that you act to ensure the safety of all pro-lifers on your campus and do nothing to prohibit their peaceful assembly during our Cemetery of Innocents displays. |
Therefore: | I urge you to kick Planned Parenthood off campus! |