There is no display that gets under the skin of pro-abortion radicals more than our display of hundreds of crosses representing the lives lost to abortion every day.
Our Students for Life groups set up these displays in the middle of their campuses – an unforgettable reminder of the ongoing travesty of abortion.
Nearly every time we roll out this display, protesters try to rip up or stomp on these crosses!
That’s why I’m sending 911 bright pink crosses to all our groups that participate in our national #PlannedParenthoodTruth Tour.
Please sign your #PlannedParenthoodTruth Tour Statement of Support to show our students you stand with them in the face of violence and vandalism.
After you sign your name, please share this page with your pro-life friends and prayerfully consider chipping in a tax-deductible contribution to help us replace the crosses that have been vandalized and bring this display to even more campuses!