Dear Students for Life of America Supporter,

The moment college students set foot on their campuses, Planned Parenthood propagandists and their allies stand ready to pounce.

I know I’ve told you in the past about how students are literally handed dozens of free condoms and encouraged to “experiment…”

I’ve told you about Christian school administrators praising Planned Parenthood as a “trusted resource” for students and offering school credit for students who intern at local abortion facilities.

And how the entire state of California is handing out free abortion drugs like candy to college students – with more states hoping to follow their lead.

I’ve even told you about “buy-one-get-one-free” coupons for at-home abortion drugs one college in Idaho handed out to students not long ago.

But with everything that’s happened over the past year, Planned Parenthood is more determined than ever before to peddle their pro-abortion propaganda to high school and college-aged young women.

With everything we’ve been facing from Washington, D.C., to state capitals, and on local campuses across the nation, this has been one of our most challenging semesters ever.

Considering all that’s at stake – and the threats of violence and intimidation our pro-life leaders face every day – can you please send a Care Package to one of our Regional Coordinators?

As we head into the final stretch of the spring semester, time is running out for us to reach young people before their attention turns to studying for final exams and summer break.

Students for Life’s National Field Team is doing what no one else can do: equipping our more than 1,250+ Students for Life groups to be courageous and fight back against the lies of Planned Parenthood – right where the Abortion Goliath is targeting… our high school and college campuses.

But even with 19 full-time Regional Coordinators, the goals I’ve set for our team this school year are ambitious.

Our Regional Coordinators constantly travel and spend late nights conducting trainings and helping our groups host events to combat Planned Parenthood – the biggest perpetrator of abortion violence – and their allies on campuses.

And the added expenditures due to inflation and supply shortages is going to dramatically increase some of my projected expenses.

While many families will generously give to SFLA by hosting one of our team members, there are still many expenses we have to cover, like gas, tolls, meals, and plane tickets.

So, can you send a Care Package Gift to one of our traveling Regional Coordinators today?

I know your thoughtful gift would mean the world to these young men and women, especially after many long days on the road and encountering threats of violence and slurs lobbed at them by pro-abortion protestors.

A one-time Care Package Gift of $350 can provide for one flight to eliminate hours of time spent driving.

A one-time Care Package Gift of $100 can pay for flyers, postcards, and other materials needed to launch a new group on campus.  

A Care Package Gift of $50 can pay for a tank of gas for a Regional Coordinator’s day of driving to and from campuses in their region (although this may only cover a few trips at the rate gas prices are increasing under President Biden).

Or, you can help provide meals for one day on the road for a Care Package Gift of just $25.

As you’ll see when you click here, you can pick the care package of your choice – and which one of our Regional Coordinators you’d like to send it to.

So, you can know that your generous gift will be spent supporting a young woman or man who is bringing our life-saving message to schools in your area!

If you could also agree to a monthly Care Package Gift of $10, you would help pay for a Regional Coordinator to take one student leader out to a coffee shop for a mentoring or training consulting session once per month.

Of course, if you cannot afford to give right now, please keep our Regional Coordinators in your prayers as they crisscross the country.

For Life,

Kristan Hawkins
President, Students for Life of America

Send a care package to a SFLA Regional Coordinator >>