Whereas: Congress has failed to live up to their campaign promises of defunding Planned Parenthood of the $500+ million the Abortion Goliath receives each year from U.S. taxpayers; and
Whereas: Students for Life of America’s #SockIt2PP National Tour will display 328,348 baby socks, each one representing an innocent preborn baby that will be aborted by Planned Parenthood this year; and
Whereas: Anyone who sees this powerful display of baby socks – especially young people – will be shocked at the sheer number of lives lost due to Planned Parenthood; and
Whereas: Once that light bulb goes off in students’ minds, we will be one step closer to defunding Planned Parenthood and abolishing abortion in our lifetime;
Therefore: I am signing my #SockIt2PP Statement of Support to show my full support for this critical campaign.