Students for Life of America

Pro-abortion “peaceful” protesters are more emboldened than ever.

Over the past few months, our pro-life students have been harassed, assaulted, and been called every name in the book by pro-abortion radicals.

Students for Life’s young leaders are out on the front lines every day changing hearts and minds.

I want them and every other pro-life activist out there to know that we are united, and that we have their backs no matter what pro-abortion radicals may try to do to us.

So, please sign your Stand up to the Mob Statement of Support right away to show these young pro-life leaders you have their backs!

After you sign your name, please consider making a generous tax-deductible gift to Students for Life to show these young pro-lifers you have their back.

  • "STAND UP TO THE MOB" Statement of Support

    For Students for Life of America's Student Leaders